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Evans & Rampage entranaran en el TUF 10

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  • Evans & Rampage entranaran en el TUF 10

    Quinton "Rampage" Jackson and Rashad Evans will be the head coaches on "The Ultimate Fighter 10," the UFC announced today.

    Season ten begins taping next week and is set to premiere September 16 at 10 p.m. and will feature all heavyweights. Tryouts were held for middleweights and light-heavyweights, but the UFC ultimately decided on only heavyweights, a weight class that hasn't been featured since season two.

    Champion Lyoto Machida was rumored to be a coach but it's apparent why he was passed over in favor of Evans. Evans speaks better English and is a fighter fans love to hate, making him an excellent candidate for reality TV show. Additionally, there's already a rivalry brewing between Jackson and Evans from their confrontation at UFC 92 last December.

    Jackson will face Evans in the traditional coach vs. coach bout in December.

    Machida's official website states that his next fight will be in September. Jackson is next in line for the shot but his number one contender status could be in jeopardy now that he has signed on for the show.

  • #2
    Re: Evans & Rampage entranaran en el TUF 10

    En mmaweekly especulan con que esto ponga a Shogun primero en la linea de sucesión.


    • #3
      Re: Evans & Rampage entranaran en el TUF 10

      Vaya dos patas para un banco :D Darán muchiiisimo que hablar :D


      • #4
        Re: Evans & Rampage entranaran en el TUF 10

        Será superdivertido. la pena es que de momento me perderé el Rampage vs Machida


        • #5
          Re: Evans & Rampage entranaran en el TUF 10


          • #6
            Re: Evans & Rampage entranaran en el TUF 10

            Como Jackson entrene a Slice... diosmio la que se puede liar en el TUF.

