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Pride resurgirá en Agosto

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  • Pride resurgirá en Agosto

    After months of delay and confusion, there may finally be some clarity for the reborn PRIDE.

    Japan's Nikkan Sports reported Wednesday that the Saitama Super Arena has been reserved for August 18, for what will be the first PRIDE event under the ownership of PRIDE FC Worldwide Holdings LLC.

    The proposed August event will not be the start of the anticipated PRIDE Lightweight Grand Prix. Inside reports cited by Nikkan Sports state that the theme of the event will be a "Japanese All-Star" card.

    While no potential fights have yet been disclosed, Hidehiko Yoshida (Pictures) figures to be the central star of the stalwart Japanese side.

    The August 18 date comes after months of uncertainty following the PRIDE asset transaction. A PRIDE Lightweight GP was originally slated to start on May 20 under the direction of the upstart PRIDE FC Worldwide Holdings LLC, which is owned and operated by UFC owners Frank and Lorenzo Fertitta. After negotiations lagged on for several weeks, it was then thought that the Grand Prix would begin on July 16 in Nagoya, before that date was nixed in late May.

    Following the two event postponements, sources indicated that the particulars of the PRIDE asset acquisition had been finalized, and reports then began to surface that the PRIDE FC Worldwide braintrust were eyeing an August date in the Tokyo area.

    fuente: sherdog

  • #2
    Re: Pride resurgirá en Agosto

    ale a tragaros todos las palabras...
    "Things you focus on will grow bigger, so focus on positivity" Marloes Coenen


    • #3
      Re: Pride resurgirá en Agosto

      Creo que voy a llorar de alegria!! :D


      • #4
        Re: Pride resurgirá en Agosto

        Cuando lo vea, me lo creere.
        De todas maneras, no sera ni la sombra de lo que fue: "Japanese All-Star" card.


        • #5
          Re: Pride resurgirá en Agosto

          seran casi todos japos y alguno perdido q pasaba por ahi, me temo.

          fujitas, yoshidas, nakamuras, chonanes, minowamanes,

          espero eso si q metan muchos ligeros y aun veremos espectaculo


          • #6
            Re: Pride resurgirá en Agosto

            Uy si, qué guuaaaayyyy un evento con Yoshida :P como estrella principal en vez del GP de ligeros... Ahora si que veo la luz, que bueno eres Dana, como pudimos dudar de tiiii... jajaja manda huevos que manera de vender humo :-X


            • #7
              Re: Pride resurgirá en Agosto

              baaaaa esto parece una telenovela


              • #8
                Re: Pride resurgirá en Agosto



                • #9
                  Re: Pride resurgirá en Agosto

                  minotuouro cuando estuvo en vigo comentó que en agosto volvia a pelear en pride, pero problablemente el año que viene se fuera a ufc


                  • #10
                    Re: Pride resurgirá en Agosto



                    • #11
                      Re: Pride resurgirá en Agosto

                      [quote]According to Dana White, the stories of a Pride show on 10/11 are as accurate as last week

