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Resultados WVR Sengoku

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  • #16
    Re: Resultados WVR Sengoku

    Viendo lo que paso con la lucha de Ludwig vs Gomi, este ultimo promete un rematch con el:

    Gomi promised a rematch with Ludwig

    Takanori Gomi came back to the ring. Everybody expected to see an exciting fight like we saw in PRIDE.

    The fight was tense. Both of them kept their guard and aiming a chance to attack their opponent. After avoiding punches from Ludwig by back steps, Gomi got a feeling of the distance. Right after Ludwig's left jab, Gomi threw his right and left straights and took him down. Ludwig stood up and was ready to restart, however, the fight was stopped by Dr. stop due to bleeding. He defeated Duane Ludwig by Dr. stop. The fight was over only in 2 min. 28 sec in 1R.

    After the fight, Gomi said, Ludwig was a very good fighter. This victory was brought by an accident and I will fight him again. Thank you for coming to see my fight held on a weekday. I have good company to work with and....

    He was in tears and couldn't continue. He got the applause of fans and said, I will train hard and continue fighting. Thank you for supporting me.

    Al parecer en la rueda de prensa, Fujita y Graham se enzarzaron en una picaberalla/rifi rafe:

    In the Sengoku press conference on Mar 04, the comment by Peter Graham provoked Kazuyuki Fujita and they had a skirmish.

    Graham said, I'm glad to fight in this event. I'm here to win like other fighters. I want to say something to Fujita. We almost fought in Dynamite before. I'm upset because he ran away from me. I'm excited to fight him in this event finally. It's time for him to end his MMA career tomorrow. It's time for old fighters like him leave. Are you scared of me? You are a chicken and you can run away.

    Fujita was upset when he heard of the translation of his comment. Before the translator finished, he stood up and shouted "WAIT". Fujita said, this is my first time to fight someone disgusting like you. Both guys got closer and had a very intense mood. Just before they start throwing punches, other fighters like Yoshida separated them and prevended them from fighting. Fujita left the conference room with saying, I'm going to kill you. Graham said I'll defeat you by the same kick I defeated Badr Hari. You don't have to show up tomorrow if you don't want to.


    • #17
      Re: Resultados WVR Sengoku

      Graham este que se vaya para casa, montar ese espectaculo y no hacer nada en el ring no vale para nada.

      bonitos low kicks de Ciborg,ehhh!!!! algunos me dolieron hasta a mi.


      • #18
        Re: Resultados WVR Sengoku

        joder que de puta madre lo de gomi, este tio me encanta es un guerrero y un tio cojonudo, de echo yo siempre he pensado que esas cosas (cortes, paradas precipitadas...) se solucionan con revancha.

        un 10 para gomi-mola
        "Things you focus on will grow bigger, so focus on positivity" Marloes Coenen


        • #19
          Re: Resultados WVR Sengoku

          Originalmente escrito por |CabRa|
          joer que malo lo de gomi-mola jajaja
          jajajajajaja que cabron jajajajajaja
          tu si que eres malo jejejjee
          "Things you focus on will grow bigger, so focus on positivity" Marloes Coenen


          • #20
            Re: Resultados WVR Sengoku

            Acabo de ver los de cyborg y Fujita.

            Es curioso que el takimoto palmee tan rapido con la de tobillo(en MMA pro la gente cae mas con talón, pero el tobillo se suele defender mejor), quizas sea por el agarre de piernas de Cyborg(Es a las dos piernas, quedando las rodillas del japo juntas), no se...

            Fujita no ha tenido rival, derriba posiciona y finaliza sin apenas resistencia de Graham, y eso que lo he visto flojo de forma(por no decir que se ha puesto bastante fondón)


            • #21
              Re: Resultados WVR Sengoku

              Yoshida es un autentico guerrero,está mayor,el gi,etc,lo siento mucho por él,buen combate de Barnett.


              • #22
                Re: Resultados WVR Sengoku

                Ludwig-Gomi muy igualado,hubiera sido un combate interesante


                • #23
                  Re: Resultados WVR Sengoku

                  Algunas declaraciones postfight muy interesantes de los participantes en Sengoku I:

                  Siyar Bahadurzada
                  I had jet-lag and was tired since I arrived in Japan. I wanted to show my fans how good I was but wasn't in a good condition. I would like to fight here again when I got an offer.

                  Makoto Takimoto
                  I don't feel like being defeated. His low kicks were so powerful that I couldn't move my legs at the end. I would like to fight again. No matter how I feel, I accept my loss. The result tells all.

                  Fabricio "Pitbull" Monteiro
                  I don't understand why this decision was made because I believe I won 1R and 3R. I would like to fight him again. (He was asked about Ryan Gracie T-shirt which he wore.) He is my friend. I felt like fighting with my friend together when I brought his picture with me to the ring.

