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  • #16

    sin fallo tio, se aposto un mes y se cumple un mes (tampoco es tan terrible, aoki me mola o me molaba porque ahora le pille mania por lloron y por joderme la apuesta), por cierto..... como era lo de la imagen en la firma (recuerdo lo de imageshack pero el resto....)


    • #17
      Re: DREAM 2 "SPOILER"

      Os lo dije Aoki por decision siempre hace lo mismo cuando pelea con gente a la que respeta, es una maldita araña

      Prueba de sNk>All
      Originalmente escrito por sNk
      No me extrañaria nada una decision para Aoki, y no es cachondeo eh, cuando pelea con gente incomoda empieza a hacer un juego de clinch/grappling bastante curioso vease vs Kikuchi/Mach.
      To Perita Style


      • #18
        Re: DREAM 2 "SPOILER"

        Bueno y ahora el pobre Nagata q va a ser finalizado, pobrecillo sabia que iba a ser finalizado o KTFO que vida...
        To Perita Style


        • #19
          Re: DREAM 2 "SPOILER"

          ya he visto la pelea de jz y la de jacare, aoki vs jz me han gustado mucho los dos (increible como se libra del armbar jz) y victoria justa del japo. eso de que dicem que jacare puede ganerle a anderson silva :'( me da que no


          • #20
            Re: DREAM 2 "SPOILER"

            DREAM 2: post fight interview

            ** Kazushi Sakuraba **

            - How do you feel now?
            I'm tired. Nakahara was very well-balanced fighter. He is only 25 years old and he will be a strong fighter if he trains more. I had to give him a hard time as a senior fighter.
            - You had his take downs.
            He was good at using the ring and young.
            - How did you like fighting in Saitama?
            The traffic wasn't bad at all. Audience was great. I can feel sense of unity with my fans whenever I fight here.
            - You fight in the 2ND Round, right?
            I hope other fighter do their best in their next fight. I'm not in the tournament.

            - Sasahara said you won't earn any prize money even if you win.
            I'm not talking about money. I don't like the tournament and don't want to be involved in this. Please leave me alone.

            Parece que las relaciones entre Sakuraba y Sasahara siguen muy mal, e insiste que no esta en el torneo, que lo suyo ha sido una pelea suelta...

            ** Shinya Aoki **

            - Tell me how you feel now.
            I wanted to finish this battle smiling at the end. I had hard time and many things which I couldn't agree with last month. Now I'm happy thanks to support from my colleagues and staff.
            - What do you think about your fight?
            I enjoyed a lot dealing with his powerful punches. I really had fun fighting him and didn't even know what the result was going to be.
            - Did Calvan move as you expected?
            Yes. He fought as I thought. He was going to punch me, take down, and punch from the top position. He believed he could finish me by punching because I was not good at taking punches. Well, all he did was what exactly I expected though.
            - You got his leg in the 1ST round.
            I thought I could finish him because I got his bad leg. He escaped and I missed his leg though.

            - You had a face lock at the corner. What were you going to do after that?
            I was going to finish him by that face lock to revenge what he did to my neck. I cannot survive if I got that, although he trains hard and that didn't work on him.

            - You finally finished this business. At the same time, you defeated a HERO'S champion. What do you think?
            It is 2 years since I started to live by fighting. I feel like I'm finally independent. Before this fight, I depend on Saeki and other Yarennoka staff, and Saeki helped me to live. All hardship I suffered was paid off today. I got an energy to survive no matter what difficulty I face in my future. I had a great fight. It was great day today. I'm happy and thank you for all of your support!

            ** J.Z. Calvan **

            - What do you think about your fight?
            It was good fight. I could do my best.
            - Was Fighting on the ground a part of your game plan?
            Yes. I was going to do anything either on the ground or in the standing position.
            - Why do you think you lost?
            I thought I won.

            - Do you disagree with the judge?
            Aoki controlled the fight well today.

            - He submitted your arms.
            I have an excellent flexibility and didn't think he could submit me.
            - Do you have any damage on your leg? Aoki said he heard the sound of breaking something.
            I didn't hear anything. His grappling skills is the world top level.
            - I saw you had a taping on your knee.
            I don't want to say anything about my knee. Once I got in the ring, I forget about my knee.



            • #21
              Re: DREAM 2 "SPOILER"

              SAKU by RNC soporifero

              Pues yo e visto a Saku bastante bien, ya veremos qtal lo hace en los siguientes peldaños del GP, espero q calle algunas bocas malhabladas ;D ;D ;D.


