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UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

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  • #31
    Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

    Bueno aqui dejo mis impresiones sobre el evento.

    ¡En el suelo ni un milimetro ni experimentar! no fué una noche buena para los especialistas en BJJ y es que vimos que tomarse libertades es fatal, vimos en el combate de Aurelio un resultado predecible con un rival más fuerte y sólido fisica y técnicamente que un delgado y más débil Aurelio cual este no pudo resolver como ganar y de espaldas perdió una posición valiosa al tratar de subir la pierna a la cabeza. El peor caso de Tibau: derriba, logra control lateral y luego montada para luego apoyar la pierna al lado de la cabeza intentando experimentar y Stevenson se escapa para luego más tarde derrotarlo, también almeida perdió variasmposciones clave. los brasileros deben cambiar su manejo ofensivo de la guardia que los contrincantes de UFC conocen de memoria y no intentar cosas a probar al igual que ni siquiera dejar UN SOLO ESPACIO para que el oponente escape, es cuestión de viveza y oportunidad este paradigma que se presentó en este evento.

    ATROZ, IRRESPONSABLE, DEGRADANTE, lo del combate Lytle -Koscheck, el Lytle sangra dos rounds seguidos como fuente de vino y no paran el combate con el argumento de "no parar la ofensiva del otro" y pese a que lo reanudan juegan con la integridad del luchador. Patético, horroroso esto.

    Sobre el combate Griffin Jackson opino que el segundo round fue decisivo, el daño que se dió sobre Jackson en el segundo asalto fué más evidente y aunque hay que reconocer que Rampage supo llevar una pelea digno y dió golpes más certeros, la ofensiva de Forrest fué más impactante para los jueces. Para mi no fué un robo. era un criterio sencillo para determinar quien ganaba en un combate que se concluye de manera diferente de varias perspectivas. De todos modos los dos mostraron un combate de nivel bastante alto.


    • #32
      Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

      Y...esperemos por cierto revancha en otro evento.


      • #33
        Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

        Para que veáis lo que es cortar peso, se habla de que Tibau estaba en más de 180 libras, unos 81-82 kilos el dia de la pelea. Comentan q es el ligero más grande q han visto y q parecia casi tan grande como un peso medio. Al final no le sirvió para ganar a Stevenson.


        • #34
          Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

          Posiblemente, Griffin / Liddell por el titulo y Rampage / Wand o Machida siguiente aspirante

          Dave Meltzer is reporting exclusively on the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that Dana White and Joe Silva have already have "an idea" in regards to the 205 lb title picture. Dave believes every source within the UFC believes that the winner of Liddell/Evans fight is going to be the next challenger for the Light Heavyweight Crown recently won by Forrest Griffin. The timing at which the fight takes place depends on who wins the fight. If Liddell were the victor, the title fight would take almost immediately at the year-end December event from Las Vegas with Forrest Griffin. Although none of the UFC personalities would admit who they are rooting for between Evans/Liddell, it is pretty apparent they want the latter to emerge victorious. A fight between Liddell and Forrest Griffin could very well break the Pay-Per-View and Gate records set by UFC 66 (Liddell/Ortiz II). The UFC officials are not sure when a Griffin/Evans fight would take place, but they believe it would not happen this year.

          As for the future of Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, it is believed that his next opponent will be none other than nemesis Wanderlei Silva. This could fight could very well happen later this year in November, at UFC 90. Dave Meltzer also believes that if Liddell recaptures the Light Heavyweight Crown, Silva/Liddell II will be for the Light Heavyweight Championship at the "Super Bowl" event in February. As for Lyoto Machida, most sources believe he is a possibility for Jackson as well, but maintain that his next fight is likely against Thiago Silva instead.

          Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

          The industry pioneer in UFC, Bellator and all things MMA (aka Ultimate Fighting). MMA news, interviews, pictures, videos and more since 1997.


          • #35
            Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

            Pues aunque en mi opinión podria ser un combate aburrido, creo que el que deberia ser el challenger es Machida, que está invicto y ha ganado a todo el que ha pillado.


            • #36
              Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

              Acabo de ver el Lytle/Koscheck: VER-GON-ZO-SO. No solo no lo paran, sino que los ponen de pie y no le limpian la sangre a Lytle. El tipo intercambiando con media cara cubierta de sangre. Solo en el tapete habia mas de medio litro, nunca habia visto nada asi(habia gotitas de sangre en el objetivo de la cámara).

              Con combates asi paso de intentar convencer a nadie de las virtudes de este deporte, esque es para esconderlo bajo llave.

              Espero que amonesten al arbitro o algo, no se, me ha parecido horrible


              • #37
                Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

                pagos a luchadores ufc 86

                The Nevada State Athletic Commission released the official payouts for UFC 86 today. Here are the numbers:
                Total Event Payout: $943,000

                Forrest Griffin: $250,000 (includes $150,000 win bonus) def.
                Quinton Jackson: $225,000

                Patrick Cote: $32,000 ($16,000 win bonus) def.
                Ricardo Almeida: $23,000

                Joe Stevenson: $60,000 ($30,000 win bonus) def.
                Gleison Tibau: $11,000

                Josh Koscheck: $70,000 ($35,000 win bonus) def.
                Chris Lytle: $14,000

                Tyson Griffin: $40,000 ($20,000 win bonus) def.
                Marcus Aurelio: $40,000

                Gabriel Gonzaga: $100,000 ($50,000 win bonus) def.
                Justin McCully: $5,000

                Cole Miller: $20,000 ($10,000 win bonus) def.
                Jorge Gurgel: $ 10,000

                Melvin Guillard: $20,000 ($10,000 win bonus) def.
                Dennis Siver: $7,000

                Justin Buchholz: $8,000 ($4000 win bonus) def.
                Corey Hill: $8,000


                • #38
                  Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

                  para hacernos una idea de lo jodido q fue punturar el combate de la noche, este extracto

         spoke with various fighters and coaches to get their opinions on the UFC 86 main event, which has accidentally become a perfect catalyst for what could be the most viewed rematch in UFC history.

                  Chuck Liddell (Pictures): I thought Forrest won, but I was sitting next to Jay Glazer (Pictures) and he thought Rampage won. It was very close.

                  Mike Whitehead (Pictures): I was sitting front row. It was clearly three rounds to two in favor of Forrest.

                  Mac Danzig (Pictures): I might be a little biased because Forrest is a good friend and training partner, but in my opinion Forrest won the fight hands down, three rounds to two. He outworked him from beginning to end, and even though not everything he threw landed, at least he fought the whole time instead of just looking for one big shot. You know, Forrest trained hard for this fight and it showed. He was training in the gym everyday, not running around with a chain around his neck, telling people he's a thug.

                  Frank Shamrock (Pictures): Sorry, I don't watch the UFC.

                  Eddy Millis (Pictures): I was there, 10th row. Rampage won 48-46.

                  David Loiseau (Pictures): Rampage won. Forrest lost the first, third and fourth rounds.

                  Dewey Cooper (Pictures): The fight was close. The first and fourth rounds were the only rounds that really could be argued for either fighter. The first I gave to Rampage. The second was all Forrest, and I scored it 10-8. Forrest did a terrible job in the third and let Quinton back into the fight. I gave the third to Quinton. The fourth was so close I scored it 10-10. In the fifth Forrest out-hustled Rampage, and my final score was 48-47 for Forrest.

                  Gray Maynard (Pictures): I think Forrest won. Quinton won two rounds, Forrest won three. Forrest dictated the whole fight except for a couple quick explosions from Quinton. It was a great fight and close, but Forrest kept his game plan and was more active for three rounds.

                  Duke Roufus: I've been here at MFS training Ben Rothwell (Pictures). Pat Miletich (Pictures), [K-1] Pat Barry, Ben Rothwell (Pictures) and myself all watched the fight and we all thought Forrest won.

                  Phil Baroni (Pictures): I don't know how two judges gave Forrest that first round, man. That's some bulls---. I thought Rampage clearly won the fight. That first round could have been 10-8 for Rampage!

                  Cung Le (Pictures): Rampage won the first round with the knockdown, lost the second round bad. He won the third, but in the fourth he did not do enough to win and lost the fifth. I wanted Rampage to win, but you gotta take it from the champ. But the way I score, Rampage lost.

                  Cub Swanson (Pictures): I thought Rampage won. I had Rampage winning rounds one, three and four. Forrest won the second easily and the fifth. I'd love to see it happen again.

                  Gabe Ruediger (Pictures): I watched the fight and thought Forrest won. He was more active and did a great job of sticking to his game plan. I felt it wasn't decisive, but that only comes if you don't allow it to go to the judges. I thought Forrest won but wouldn't have been surprised if [the judges] had Rampage winning instead.

                  Cole Miller (Pictures): Forrest won three rounds to two.

                  Josh Thomson (Pictures): It was close, but I thought Rampage won three rounds to two.

                  Alan Belcher (Pictures): When the fight was over, my initial reaction was that Forrest won but they are going to give it to Rampage. My score was first round Rampage 10-9, second round Forrest 10-8, and rounds three [through] five all for Forrest 10-9.

                  Erik Paulson (Pictures): I thought Forrest won. I watched it with Josh Barnett (Pictures) and all my fighters, and we all sat and talked about it. We all thought Forrest won. We were all rooting for Rampage because Josh helps to train him, but it was a close fight. It was a great fight, actually. He landed some good shots, but I think the length of Forrest really threw him off. It was weird because it looked like Rampage was lacking some zest for that fight. But yeah, we all thought Forrest had won.


                  • #39
                    Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

                    Frank Sahmrock: Sorry I don t watch Cung Le
                    "Things you focus on will grow bigger, so focus on positivity" Marloes Coenen


                    • #40
                      Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

                      La pelea de Lytle vs Koscheck hizo dar un paso para atras a este deporte por la trascendencia que tiene UFC, no lo podia creer como no paraba la pelea el arbitro, nunca vi tanta sangre en una pelea. Eso si, Lytle mucho huevo para terminar la pelea de pie y atacando.


                      • #41
                        Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

                        Lo q le pasó es lo mismo q a Nick Diaz. De tanto tiempo boxeado tienen unas cicatrices en los ojos, con piel en exceso, q al recibir golpes se abren y sangran en seguida. El comenta q estaba bien y que podia ver bien, que sólo era un corte feo. Nick Diaz se ha operado precisamente de eso para evitar entre otras cosas, perder un combate por parada por cortes.

                        Sin embargo, con tanta sangre hay que parar el combate, al menos a limpiar y cerrar la herida, y si no se puede cerrar, parar definitivamente, o eso opino yo


                        • #42
                          Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

                          a ver.... si no es un corte peligroso NO hay que parar el combate, por que sangre no pasa nada, la sangre es muy escandalosa pero no pasa nada. No hay que ser alarmistas, que el corte sea peligroso o no, depende de la zona EXACTa donde se ha producido no de lo que sangre.


                          • #43
                            Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

                            sisi pero minimamente tenes que parar para limpiar y ver en donde estan los cortes y por otro lado la imagen que se da no es muy buena para las millones de personas que vvieron el evento y no entienden mucho sobre cortes


                            • #44
                              Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

                              A mi lo que me pareció horrible del combate de kos mas que la sangre (que tambien) era ver como koscheck le resfregaba el codo y las manos por toda la brecha,sinceramente eso si que le da mala imagen al deporte, dió tal impresion de luchador sucio koscheck que sin duda va a dejar de ser uno de mis favoritos.Y encima al final del combate rehuyendo de su oponente en la lucha en pie,y eso q estaba con la cara totalmente destrozada.


                              • #45
                                Re: UFC 86 Play by play (spoilers)

                                Koscheck ya sabia que habia ganado y no quiso arriesgar ni un poquito al final, eso es de listos, se conoce las reglas y las usa. Pero lo del charco de sangre fue exagerado, vale que sangre, pero que paren a limpiarlo y mirar si es peligroso continuar digo yo, tanto por la salud del luchador como por ver un combate limpio y para dar una imagen de seguridad ante todos los espectadores, que esto no es una pelea callejera por dios!
                                Por lo demás Tyson Griffin dominó totalmente frenta a los intentos infructuosos de Aurelio de hacerle una sumisión y eso que le ganaba tanto en altura como en alcance, pero ese chico tiene un pronto y un fondo geniales.
                                Me alegro por Stevenson, que para mi, sino llega a ser por su super guillotina le daba perdido.
                                Yo creo que Forrest lo hizo mejor aunque no sé si como para merecerse el titulo.

                                Para acabar, que puñetas hacia Tyson Griffin haciendo paus mientras le ponian las cintas a Forrest en su camerino, si su combate habia acabado y ganando ??? alguien me lo puede explicar?

