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Rampage dice que luchó con una lesión de rodilla

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  • #16
    Re: Rampage dice que luchó con una lesión de rodilla

    Eso es Rampage es un street soldier en toda regla y el pobre Sugar..... no deja de ser mas que un "FAKE" no se cree ni el, el royo que se trae no es nada real!! jajaja y rara vez a tenido escusas rampage la verdad que se le vió lentisimo en comparación con "asuquita" como lo llamais pero a nada que tuvo una ocasión casi lo manda a dormir!! aupa Ramapage!!


    • #17
      Re: Rampage dice que luchó con una lesión de rodilla

      Originalmente escrito por Tate-Hishigi
      Ay compadre, si supieras lo que se echa en falta en HG tus trifulcas elusivas, mariposeando hasta sacar el aguijón...
      Pero es que HG requeria mucha dedicacion, habia que estudiar, viajar, consultar con las fuentes...demasiado trabajo para al final convenir que el Aiki-Ju Jutsu, es menos circular que el Aiki-do, por obra del maestro Ueshiba, y su filosofia Zen; o que la defensa peronsal requeria de sacrificios morales urgentes, si se preserva un bien mayor con un karembit en la mano ;). La verdad es que en el foro de Artes Marciales te enterabas de maravillas, pero al final todo era ciclico y los temas resurgian una y otra vez aburriendo a las ovejas. No como aqui que no habalmos casi nunca de Fedor, y cuando lo hacemos es siempre con datos objetivos y desapasionamiento ;)

      Pero no estoy de acuerdo en que Rashad haga de nigga muthafucka mejor que Rampage...fijate la diferencia; Rampage suena a que si entras en el hood, estás muerto...Pero, ¿Sugar?...venga coño...que está bien para músico del delta blues que se folla a tus amigas golfis cuando llegue a la ciudad, pero poco más.
      Si si, si al final de mi reflexion llegué a esa conclusion, Evans baila mejor, pero Rampage te puede pegar con la culata de su automatica en la nuca.


      • #18
        Re: Rampage dice que luchó con una lesión de rodilla

        Originalmente escrito por BIOlencia

        Pero es que HG requeria mucha dedicacion, habia que estudiar, viajar, consultar con las fuentes...demasiado trabajo para al final convenir que el Aiki-Ju Jutsu, es menos circular que el Aiki-do, por obra del maestro Ueshiba, y su filosofia Zen; o que la defensa peronsal requeria de sacrificios morales urgentes, si se preserva un bien mayor con un karembit en la mano ;). La verdad es que en el foro de Artes Marciales te enterabas de maravillas, pero al final todo era ciclico y los temas resurgian una y otra vez aburriendo a las ovejas. No como aqui que no habalmos casi nunca de Fedor, y cuando lo hacemos es siempre con datos objetivos y desapasionamiento ;)
        juas juas juas :D :D enorme!


        • #19
          Re: Rampage dice que luchó con una lesión de rodilla

          La respuesta de Rashad:
          "Why every single time he loses, he has to make excuses," Evans told Fighter's Only. "Just say, 'I lost,' and that's the end of it. You don't have say it's because of this or that, it was a boring fight."

          "Would it have been a boring fight if when I went down he would have came on top of me and finished the fight," Evans asked. "Everyone would have said, 'Nah, that was the greatest fight ever.' So why is it if he would have won it's the greatest fight ever, but when I win it's a boring fight? It's not like the last two minutes of the fight I just laid on top of him and didn't let him move. When I was on top of him I was punching him in the face. I was punching him in the face the whole time."

          "I respect him as a fighter," Evans stated. "He didn't quit like I thought he was going to quit. I thought he was going to be looking for a way out, but he didn't. He didn't quit, and I was definitely impressed with that. He's a legend of the sport."

          "It's kind of upsetting because wrestling is a part of mixed martial arts," Evans reasoned. "Every single time I was in a wrestling position I was striking. And whenever the position got stale, [referee] Herb Dean broke it up. I took him down three times, and I was ground-and-pounding him the whole time.

          "What is an exciting fight mean? We just stand toe-to-toe and act like we don't have any training at all? I'm not going to do that. I would never do that. That's just stupid. I know that it doesn't take much to get caught with a big shot. I'm trying to win. I'm not gonna sit there and go toe-to-toe. If that's the only chance a guy has of beating me, I'm not going to give him that chance. My goal is to try to eliminate as much as I can that he can to do me, while maximizing whatever I can do to him.

          "I want to say, if you guys are fans be fans of the sport. Don't be fans of just certain aspects of the sport. It's not boxing. It's MMA. That means you can use wrestling, jiu-jitsu, muay-thai, karate, boxing, whatever you feel that's your discipline. That's the sport that you're claiming that you're fans of. Be a fan of the sport."

